A Prilling tower was simulated and designed for an area where earthquakes occur. The mechanical structure must also be sufficiently strong to withstand the seismic loads and the falling sand and rubble. The simulations were carried out according to the ASCE 7-10 standard (American Society of Civil Engineers). The improvements were discussed and implemented with the Decometa company in Belgium. Construction-wise, the design meets the standards and during this design process it became clear that savings on parts could be made.
The aim is to simulate the general strength and peak load during an earthquake. The maximum deformation of the structure was also determined under normal gravity. The seismic design and seismic load are tested with FEM according to ASCE 7-10. The g-forces are extracted from the standards for the area where the prilling tower would be built. These g-forces are applied in the x, y and z directions.
The structure of the Prilling Tower is entered into the FEM simulation software and the gravity load is added to the model, after which a seismic load was added. In addition, wind loads are added to the model as they occur in this area in Egypt. During the simulations it became clear that small changes in the structure could improve stability during a seismic activity. These are applied in the final design. The simulations were carried out for all types of loads according to ASCE 7-10 and a report with all necessary data was provided to the client. Decometa was able to improve various parts of the Prilling tower for the Egyptian customer. This means that all conditions of the ASCE 7-10 standard could be demonstrably met. Decometa was able to deliver the Prilling tower within the specified time and conditions according to an adapted seismic design.