Over head power lines
Physixfactor simulates the over head power lines in the Netherlands. Strong magnetic fields should be avoided in areas where permanent residents are planned. The limit in the Netherlands is determined by the government and the RIVM institute issued the regulations for our country.
Schemetic view Transformation station
In the right picture an overview is given of a typical situation around a transformation station. Due to the ever increasing demand of electricity many stations need a dramatic upgrade. In existing stations it is a challinging task to do this, if permanent residence is in the nabourhood. The transformation stations are connected to the over head power grid.
High Tension masts in the landscape
In the Netherlands many masts can be seen in the landscape transporting the electricity to other locations.
If houses are located close to the tension lines for permanent residence then in the Netherlands one should do a verification of the strength of the lines. When too high permanent residence is not recommended.
Cross section magnetic fields
When cables are underground the right picture shows the magnetic field lines. The software is capable of producing many configurations taking into account the 3 phases.